Ronn Torossian On Creating a Social Media Platform Customer Service Plan

Ronn Torossian On Creating a Social Media Platform Customer Service Plan

Marketer Ronn Torossian says these days, many consumers have become used to receiving immediate responses to any questions they might have about a business or its products. That’s largely due to search engines such as Google, the direct access that consumers have to brands on social media platforms, and chatbots that are hosted on companies’ websites. This has turned customer experience into a crucial element of user experience, to the point where many consumers stop interacting with and purchasing from a brand if they’ve experienced poor customer service from it. That’s why companies have to create a strong customer service plan for their social media accounts.

Customer Service on Social Media

Traditionally, customer service focused on directly engaging with consumers across a number of channels, such as email, phone calls, and in person. However, these days, plenty of consumers have strayed away from sending their questions through online customer support emails, and have opted to pose their questions directly to the inbox folders of the brand’s accounts on social media. Nevertheless, the end goal is still the same, which is providing a positive experience to current and potential consumers by answering their questions as clearly and quickly as possible.

Customer Service Plan

While it’s a good idea to engage with current and potential consumers on social media platforms, the most effective way that companies can do that is by having a plan in place. The first step in creating a plan is to develop a standard operating plan that will hold all of the necessary steps that a customer service representative needs to take, based on the questions they receive on a social media platform.

The operating plan should also include a list of frequently asked questions from consumers, that contains both the questions that are already available on the company’s FAQ page, as well as an additional list of questions with answers available to the internal team. The latter list should be a document that’s continuously updated based on any new questions consumers have, with answers that are approved by the business. The plan should also have a list of people with their contact information, in case an issue needs to be elevated and a consumer needs to get more informed answers.

Ronn Torossian is a NYC based marketer and author.