Want to manage deep vein thrombosis? Here are some practical tips

Want to manage deep vein thrombosis? Here are some practical tips

DVT or deep vein thrombosis is a condition of blood clotting in the vein. These blood clots occur in different body parts but mainly in the thigh or calf. Treating DVT is significant because it has a life-threatening risk called pulmonary embolism. If the blood clot breaks, travels in the blood and blocks the artery inside the lungs, you will have a tough time. After receiving the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis, the doctor may prescribe you a medication called blood thinners or anticoagulants. These limit the growth of blood clots and prevent further blood clots. Research reveals that these medicines are effective and safe. Hence, you must get your treatment from a registered doctor known for their success rate and effective medication.

Can DVT be solved at home? 

The symptoms of DVT can get managed at home. You have to bring some lifestyle changes, and the home remedies will work wonders. The main emphasis of DVT treatment includes the following:

  • Taking the prescribed medicines safely
  • Relieving symptoms like swelling and leg pain
  • Lifestyle modifications for reducing the risk of a blood clot

You can handle this for better health.

Take your medicines on time

When you go for treatment from a registered doctor of Center for Vascular Medicine – Columbia, MD, the first thing they will do is prescribe you anticoagulant medicines. After they have a detailed report of your medical condition, they will decide on the doses. You may have to take these medicines for 3 to 6 months. That depends on the severity of the case. Ensure to follow the doctor’s instructions diligently. Moreover, you must be cautious of the dosage. You cannot take too much medication because it will make your blood thin and result in a bleeding problem.

For avoiding the bleeding problem, you must follow the below-given steps:

  • Prevent falls or injuries by wearing protective gear like walkers and helmets
  • Inform your medical practitioner regarding other supplements, medication, and vitamins you are taking
  • Visit your physician regularly for a PTT test or partial thromboplastin time test. It ensures that you receive the correct dose of the medication at regular intervals

Along with this, you must bring some lifestyle changes for managing the symptoms of DVT. It includes a balanced diet, regular physical exercise, regular intake of medication, etc. Remember that DVT may sometimes result in swelling and leg pain. Hence, for easing the swelling and pain, you may try out the following steps:

  • Raise the affected leg and ensure it is higher than the hip
  • Go for a walk and ensure that it is 3 to 5 times every day
  • Wear compression stockings. These tightly fitted stockings create a gentle pressure in your leg and keep the blood from clotting and pooling. It helps improve blood flow in your leg

The more you are careful with your medication and treatment, the better the results will be. For this, you must get hold of a doctor who has years of knowledge and experience.