Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lack of Communication and Loss of Sex Drive in Relationships are Common Topics for Google Searches Investigation Shows

Lack of Communication and Loss of Sex Drive in Relationships are Common Topics for Google Searches Investigation Shows

The website have just completed an investigation of Britain’s googling habits related to searches centred around our partners. Apparently, couples have trouble communicating at a basic level, and the statistics also show an unexpectedly broad interest in intimacy issues and how to cope with it.

Based on the 800 most frequently searched phrases containing the words girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, or wife, Datinghelp sought to find out what challenges in a relationship people typically seek answers to on the internet. 

When searching for insight on frequent challenges in relationships, according to co-owner of Jesper Jensen, investigating people’s search history on the internet makes a good case. 

“It’s no coincidence that we chose to delve into people’s search habits to gain insight on common challenges in relationships. From other investigations, as well as our own lives, we know that Google is a preferred platform for looking up answers to things we can’t seem to sort out on our own,” Jesper Jensen states.

“When asking Google for advice, we can do so without being subjected to any sorts of exposure or condemnation. As a result, we can allow ourselves to be completely honest about the problems we are facing,” says Jesper Jensen.

What should couples even talk about?

When preserving a healthy relationship, communication is key. However, according to the investigation, partners tend to have a hard time talking to one another. In fact, if you add up the different variations of phrases about how to have a conversation with a girlfriend or boyfriend, the topic has 23,400 searches per year.

Interestingly, the investigation showed that communication is primarily a problem for unmarried couples. As a matter of fact, in the 400 most frequently searched phrases including husband or wife, the topic was basically non-existent.

What goes on in the bedroom is a tender topic

One of the common themes is sex, which was of course presumed to be a popular topic. However, the nature of the search phrases is quite shocking, where instead of exotic fetishes and ways of persuading your partner to do this and that, the topic didn’t exactly spring laughter.

The investigation shows that sex related search phrases about our partners are predominantly associated with intimacy issues. Of the 800 phrases included in the investigation, questions about why a partner’s sex drive has completely vanished or what to do about it lies at 47,400 searches per year.

The importance of sex in a healthy relationship

Most would agree that sex should be a central and natural thing in a functioning relationship. According to love expert Jesper Jensen, the absence of sex is a symptom that the relationship is potentially falling apart.

“Sex is an extremely effective way of strengthening the intimacy between two people. Sex is of course closely linked with lust, and if the sex drive in a relationship dies, it’s probable that at least one of the participants won’t find an outlet for their sexual desires within the relationship. Ultimately, one will find it necessary to seek satisfaction elsewhere.”

Know your divorce rights

Whatever the types of problems within an intimate relationship, dealing with them shouldn’t be taken lightly. If not maintained properly, everything can fall apart, and according to the investigation, not everyone on the sinking ship cares to read the instructions on the life jacket.

It’s practical to know your rights, and when facing a divorce in the near future, both parties of the couple could benefit from doing a bit of research. Datinghelp’s investigation shows that women in particular have a certain interest in knowing what cards they have been dealt before playing their hand. 

Of the 800 phrases included in the investigation, 28,200 searches per year were variations of “what am I entitled to if I divorce my husband”. In contrast, within the 800 phrases analysed, not even one referred to the husband’s rights in a divorce. 

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