“Verify the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments and their fulfilment, which [I] have seen and heard, for yourselves”

“Verify the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments and their fulfilment, which [I] have seen and heard, for yourselves”

Chairman Manhee Lee speaks about the overview of the Bible on the 23rd through an online open seminar… ‘Testifies the Word’ again in 20 days after the last seminar explains the prophecies of the entire book of Revelation through their fulfilment… “Pastors, please make the right judgment…”

Chairman Manhee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church) emphasised that the prophecies of Revelation have been fulfilled and that he is the witness who saw and heard them being fulfilled at the scene (location) of the events. He implored with the audience to verify for themselves and believe. 

July 23rd— Chairman Manhee Lee testified the book of Revelation chapter by chapter, explaining the reality of their fulfilment at an online seminar on Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ official Youtube channel. The seminar was entitled, “The prophecies of the Old and New Testaments and their Fulfilment.” 
On the 4th of July, Chairman Lee gave a summary of the Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Level lessons that Shincheonji Church of Jesus has been making available through a series of online seminars since last year. He shared that he would be speaking in another seminar in 20 days about the fulfilment of Revelation, and asked that the audience listen and verify for themselves.

This recent seminar had over 20 million views, with many requests flooding in internationally for the materials to be provided showing an ever-increasing interest in the testimony of the fulfilment from Shincheonji Church of Jesus. 

With the outbreak of COVID-19 and when it was at its worst in 2020 and 2021, Shincheonji Church of Jesus saw an increase of membership, numbering over 20,000 people and anticipating 100,000 graduates at the end of the year from the people who have been taking their online classes.  

Even with the religious persecution and discrimination from the other “traditional” churches and from certain political groups, Shincheonji Church of Jesus saw a great increase in its membership largely due to these online seminars. Shincheonji Church of Jesus, therefore, plans to provide more opportunities for people to directly check the evidence that the prophecies of the Bible have indeed been fulfilled. 

As Chairman Manhee Lee testified about the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments and their fulfilment at the open seminar on the 23rd, he stated, “I would like to testify about what I have seen and heard. If there is anything wrong with what I am testifying, please let me know at any point in time.” 

Chairman Lee then explained the betrayal of the chosen people, who made a covenant with God, starting with Adam, going on through Noah and Abraham, and until the first coming of Jesus, and continued on to speak about the process of establishing the new covenant and its fulfilment at the second coming of Jesus. Chairman Lee continued on by saying that Matthew 24, which is a prophesy about the time of the Lord’s Second Coming, and the entire book of Revelation, must be fulfilled to make the Bible credible. He then gave a detailed testimony about the reality of the fulfilment, chapter by chapter.  

Chairman Lee emphasised, “I did not learn this from someone else—nor did I study it and make this up. I saw this with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.”

After giving a thorough explanation of the book of Revelation, chapter by chapter (starting from chapter 1), Chairman Lee went on to say that God’s kingdom must be established on the earth in order for Him to return; speaking about the process of the work of God’s salvation—that one must belong to the 144,000 who are re-created and sealed with the Word of God and the multitude in white that come out of the great tribulation.

Chairman Lee emphasised in particular to the pastors, “If you are pastors who have hope in heaven, must make the right decision.” He also emphasised, “One can come to know and understand the fulfilment of Revelation if one listens to the one who witnessed all this happen at the location of these events in accordance to the Bible and God’s will,” again and again.  

“Revelation is the eternal food that we must eat to live,” Chairman Lee said. And continued, “Satan’s food in the wine of adultery in Revelation 17 and 18—this is the fruit of good and evil. Doesn’t [the Bible] tell us that the whole world is fallen due to her maddening wine of adulteries?” Urging the listeners to make the right judgment.

Chairman Lee stated once again, “I saw and heard. That’s how I know the faces and the names of the betrayers,” and added, “But I couldn’t fail in testifying the Word of God even though it may lead to my death,” asking the people to verify for themselves and believe once again.  

Shincheonji Church of Jesus hosted a series of seminars from last October, starting with a lecture on all the chapters of Revelation, then the Introductory Level course; The Testimony of the Prophecies and Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Intermediate Level course; The Testimony of the Revealed Word in the Old and New Testaments, which ended earlier this year. The aforementioned seminars are available for viewing on the official Shincheonji Church of Jesus Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/-4Din3u4dk0

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