3 Easy Ways to Get the Best Out of your Marketing Emails

Email marketing is a fantastic way to improve your marketing efforts and promote your business, as well as boost customer loyalty. Emails allow you to specifically target a set group of people, letting them know about relevant news and offering deals and incentives to find out more.

Do you know how to get the best out of your marketing emails? Follow our top three simple ways to improve open rate and click through rate. Many businesses, such as Fuelius Elite HubSpot Partner, follow these tips to improve their inbound marketing efforts.

Clickable subject lines

To get the best out of your marketing emails, you first need to get people to open them. This can only be done through a catchy and clickable subject line. Many people get several emails a day, so it’s important that yours stands out from all the others, or else it could just end up in the bin and all your efforts will be wasted. There is a lot of competition in an individual’s inbox, so the best way to stand out is through compelling subject lines, so that people just can’t help but to click on them. To entice your readers, it’s a good idea that your subject lines are…

  • Easy to understand
  • Less than 50 characters
  • Use language that specifically targets your buyer persona and target audience
  • Use language to create interest, excitement and a sense of urgency
  • Ensure your emails arrive in a timely manner
  • Include a reason for someone to open an email such as a discount or something of value
  • Avoid any spam triggers that could result in your audience not seeing the email such as the word ‘cash’
  • Sometimes include first name or location so the reader feels as though they are being specifically spoken to

Call to action button

Amongst your email’s concise and relevant copy should be a call-to-action button. Many people will simply scan through an email, rather than thoroughly reading through it, so it’s important that the information you want the reader to remember is very obvious. This includes a CTA to help move the customer through to the next stage of the user journey. CTA buttons should be included in every email that is sent out to your target audience and these should be easy to spot even for those who scan an email very quickly. They should be very visible and placed somewhere that makes sense for someone to click on, around content that links to where the button is taking them. CTA buttons should take readers to an external location such as to download an ebook or enter a competition – ideally, pushing them further down the funnel.

Monitor email performance

To get the best out of your marketing emails you should also monitor email performance so that you can see what is performing well and what needs improvement. What’s working for your email campaigns one month, does not necessarily mean it will work just as well the next month, so it’s important to keep track of this to see where open and click through rate can be improved. Could your imagery or subject line be adapted? Or is it your preview text or CTA placement that is not relevant enough? Running A/B tests can highlight what it is your recipients want from your emails and can detect trends that enhance results.

Email marketing is a great way to gain your target audience’s attention and generate leads. By paying attention to every little thing in the email from the subject line to body copy and CTA will help to increase the open and click through rate and make your campaigns more desirable and relevant.