Liechtenstein crypto exchange LCX relaunches

Liechtenstein crypto exchange LCX relaunches

If you are looking for a fast and reliable crypto exchange platform, then LCX might have the answer for you,

They have revamped their exchange, improving both the usability and overall design, to give traders a streamlined experience.

In a statement detailing the new site, LCX stated: “ The new version of LCX Exchange is built on a scalable infrastructure with a high-performance trading engine. The login and registration process has been simplified to enable faster on-boarding and user growth. Wallets and account security has been improved and comes with faster and automated withdrawals.

“And probably the most visible change is the new design. LCX Exchange now includes a fresh new user interface design with additional menu options for easy navigation, a new crypto market page, education content and crypto tutorials.”

Originally launched in 2018, LCX Exchange is known for gaining eight regulatory registrations by the Financial Market Authority. It has also been used as an initial coin offering launchpad.

There is also the LCX Token, which is listed on the likes of Coinbase and works as an incentive mechanism to motivate stakeholders to participate in the ecosystem.