5 Things You Need To Consider Before Getting Hair Transplant Surgery

Today’s hair restoration techniques are less invasive and more natural-looking than ever before. UK-based hair transplant surgeon Dr Bonaros explains five things to consider before undergoing hair transplantation.

What type of hair transplant is best for you?

A hair transplant can be performed in two ways today. First, we have “strip” hair transplantation, also called FUT. The procedure involves the removal of a strip of healthy hair-bearing skin from the back of the head. An expert team of technicians then selects individual hair follicle units from this strip under microscopes. The donor area of the scalp is stitched closed, and the stitches are removed after around ten days leaving the donor area to heal with a small linear scar.  FUE –follicular unit excision– is the most recent evolution of surgical hair restoration. Using a small punch, a surgeon will isolate, score, and incise each follicular unit one by one. The grafts are carefully removed with forceps or tweezers and placed in a stable solution until they are ready for implantation. FUE hair transplants are less invasive and require less recovery time than FUT hair transplants.

Are you a good candidate for hair transplant surgery?

Hair transplant surgery is not appropriate for everyone: men with male-pattern baldness should consider the likely progression of their condition before opting for this procedure. Your doctor will consider your diagnosis, age and general health when deciding whether this procedure is proper for you. A man whose hair is starting to recede in his early twenties may well get a good result from a transplant—but by the time he reaches forty, he could be completely bald. That would leave him with an isolated area of transplanted hair on the front and no original hair anywhere else.

Is there a way to combat hair loss other than surgery?

Each patient is unique, and the type of hair restoration treatment that works best for one person may not be appropriate for someone else. There are hair loss medications, but no treatment works for everyone. You should consult an experienced hair restoration expert, who will discuss the available options and provide realistic advice about the results you can expect from each type of treatment. For patients with early-stage hair loss, non-surgical treatments such as medication can slow or even reverse the thinning process. However, any topical product or oral medicines may cause side effects or interactions—and it is essential to discuss these options with a physician before making any treatment decisions. Surgical treatment and medical therapy can produce long-lasting results for patients with advanced hair loss.


How to choose the right hair transplant surgeon?

Before you commit to any procedures, check that a professional organisation with stringent standards (such as the ISHRS) recognises the hair transplant surgeon’s credentials—and then schedule an appointment for a consultation. Be careful when getting surgical recommendations from non-medical professionals. Only a hair restoration doctor can assess your case and propose an appropriate treatment plan. Establishing trust and rapport is also important because it reduces patients’ anxiety and improves the overall experience for everyone involved.

Do hair transplants have side effects?

Hair transplants usually cause minor side effects within a few weeks. You may experience a tight, swollen scalp or scabs on the recipient area for a few days. Headache and tenderness in the donor or recipient area are common. Some people experience pain after the procedure, but this can be controlled with over-the-counter painkillers. Ensure your surgeon has provided comprehensive instructions on caring for the grafts after surgery and a way to contact them if any questions or concerns arise.

How much does the hair transplant surgery cost?

Hair transplant costs average from $4000 to $7000. Hair transplantation procedures have no set cost because they are as individualised as the patient and their hair loss. Your procedure will also depend on which clinic you choose, what type of hair transplant you undergo (FUE or FUT), how complex your case is, and how many grafts you need.

Hair transplant surgery can be life-changing. It can help you regain confidence in your appearance and feel more comfortable in social situations. However, before you undergo a hair transplant procedure, ensure you understand the risks involved and that it is suitable for your particular case.