What Do Family Law Solicitors Do? What You Need To Know in 2023

What Do Family Law Solicitors Do? What You Need To Know in 2023

“What do family law solicitors do?” is one of the most asked questions in the legal field. Family law is a broad subgenre of law that focuses on issues surrounding the family.

It covers everything from filing for divorce to adopting a child, and most family law solicitors will pick a specific area to focus their services on. 

This article will explore what family law solicitors do and why you might need to use one someday. 

Let’s get into it! 

What Is A Family Law Solicitor?

A family law solicitor is a law practitioner who focuses on family resolutions. 

Depending on the type of family law practitioner you use, they can work across various legal cases. They commonly handle things such as:

  • Weddings (for example, drafting a prenuptial agreement)
  • Divorce & Separation 
  • Finance (for example, in the case of a divorce, dissolution of a joint account, or owing child support)
  • Child law (including custody and guardianship)
  • Adoption 
  • Inheritance 
  • Pensions & Retirements 

Family law solicitors may also deal with cases of domestic violence and child neglect, helping to find a positive solution for all parties involved. They often act as middle-man in complicated family relationships, using the legal system to find the best way for every party to leave their current situation.

Family Law For Marriage & Divorce 

One of the most common reasons someone will hire a family lawyer is for marriage or divorce. 

Some people will form “prenuptial agreements” to protect their financial interests when getting married. This is usually done when someone has a large amount of money and wants to prevent their partner from being able to take any of it in the case of a divorce. A family law solicitor can help draw up these plans and help both parties to sign them. 

Family law solicitors often act as intermediaries between both parties during a divorce. It is their job to discuss the terms and conditions of the divorce – including how any shared assets will be divided and dealing with custody claims for any children the couple had together. They are there to make the process as simple as possible by sticking to the important factual details – helping the former couple decide what they wish to claim and what they are happy to let their ex-partner take. 

Family Law Solicitors For Children 

There are several ways that family law solicitors may engage with issues involving children. 

On a positive note, a family law professional can be used to help when adopting a child. Adoption involves legally transferring guardianship of a child to the adoptive parents, so a family law solicitor can help to make this process as simple and easy as possible for the adoptive parents. 

Changes in guardianship may also be needed if a parent is to pass away, in which the child (if they are under a certain age) will legally need someone else to become their sole carer. This responsibility is usually offered to another close family member, such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle, but can also be transferred to a trusted family friend at the deceased parent’s request. 

They can also help with changes in guardianship during abuse or child neglect trials, in which the child may not be getting adequate care from their current guardian and may need a new one. This can sometimes be the case when a parent struggles with issues such as drug addiction or when one or both parents are known to be abusive and put the child in a hostile situation. 

Family law lawyers can aid in the protection of children in these situations, ensuring they are legally protected from anyone within their family who may cause them harm.

Family Law For Inheritance & Will Disputes 

Family law solicitors may also be used to help when it comes to inheritance and will disputes. 

Sometimes, when a will is revealed to the deceased’s family, there are arguments and disagreements about what is fair. Usually, as a will is a legally-binding document, there will be little room for dispute. 

However, if it was drafted without a legal professional’s guidance, or if the person who wrote it could be proven to be in an ‘unsound state of mind‘ (for example, if they had a mental illness), this could leave room for dispute after their passing. 

Family lawyers can help your family navigate these situations, listening to everyone’s perspectives and finding the best way to resolve the situation and divide up the assets. 

Final Thoughts, 

We hope this article has answered your question of “what do family law solicitors do?”. Family law can be a complex and multidisciplinary area of law, but the main principle is that it is in place to help families deal with complex issues.

 No matter what you’re dealing with, a great family lawyer can help you conclude in a concise and understanding manner.