Why Sharjah Free Zones Are A Smart Investment Destination

Why Sharjah Free Zones Are A Smart Investment Destination

Are you considering investing in the UAE but feeling overwhelmed with the number of options available? Look no further than Sharjah free zones, a smart investment destination that is quickly gaining popularity among global entrepreneurs.

Why Invest in Sharjah Free Zones? 

Strategic location

Sharjah Free Zones are strategically located in the heart of the UAE, making it an ideal location for businesses looking to tap into the Middle Eastern, Asian, and African markets. The free zones are situated near major ports and airports between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, UAE, providing easy access to global markets. In addition, Sharjah Free Zones are just a short distance from Dubai International Airport.

Access to a pool of skilled workers

Sharjah is home to several universities and vocational training centres, providing businesses access to a pool of skilled workers. The Emirate’s strong focus on education and training has resulted in a highly skilled workforce. This makes Sharjah an attractive destination for businesses looking to set up operations in the region.

Tax benefits

Tax incentives are one of the key benefits of setting up a business in a Sharjah Free Zone. Businesses operating within the free zones, such as Sharjah Publishing City Free Zone, are exempt from paying import and export taxes and corporate and personal income tax. This lets businesses cut down on expenses and utilise the saved funds to expand their operations.

No restrictions on foreign ownership

Unlike many other countries in the Middle East, the UAE allows 100% foreign ownership of businesses. As a result, foreign investors can set up a business in Sharjah Free Zones without needing a local partner. This gives investors greater control over their business operations and eliminates the risk of losing control of their business to a local partner.

Easy company formation process

Setting up a business in Sharjah Free Zones is a straightforward process, with minimal paperwork and bureaucracy. The free zones provide businesses with a one-stop shop for all their licensing and registration needs. As a result, the process is streamlined, and businesses can typically obtain their licence within a few days.

Modern infrastructure

Sharjah Free Zones are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, including world-class logistics facilities, warehouses, and office spaces. In addition, the free zones have been designed to cater to the needs of modern businesses, providing them with the necessary infrastructure to grow and expand.

Diverse range of industries

Sharjah Free Zones cater to various industries, including aviation, logistics, healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. This provides investors with a range of options to choose from and allows them to invest in an industry that aligns with their interests and expertise.


Sharjah free zones are a smart investment destination for global entrepreneurs looking to expand their business operations in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. With its strategic location, skilled workforce, tax incentives, easy company formation process, modern infrastructure, and diverse range of industries, Sharjah free zones provide investors with an ideal environment to grow and expand their business. So, if you want to invest in Sharjah, look no further than the Sharjah Free Zones. 


Q: What are Sharjah free zones?

A: Sharjah Free Zones are designated areas in the Emirate of Sharjah where foreign investors can set up businesses with 100% ownership, tax benefits, an easy company formation process, and state-of-the-art infrastructure. 

Q: What are the advantages of investing in Sharjah free zones?

A: There are several advantages of investing in Sharjah Free Zones, including strategic location, access to a skilled workforce, tax incentives, no restrictions on foreign ownership, an easy company formation process, and modern infrastructure. 

Q: Can any type of business be set up in Sharjah free zones?

A: Sharjah Free Zones cater to various industries, including aviation, logistics, healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. This provides investors with a range of options to choose from and allows them to invest in an industry that aligns with their interests and expertise. 

Q: How long does it take to set up a business in Sharjah free zones?

A: Setting up a business in Sharjah Free Zones is streamlined, and businesses can typically obtain their licence within a few days. The exact time may depend on the type of business and the specific requirements. 

Q: Is there any limit to the number of visas issued to employees in Sharjah free zones?

A: There is no limit to the number of visas that can be issued to employees of a company in Sharjah Free Zones. The exact number may depend on the size and nature of the business. 

Q: Are there any restrictions on the repatriation of profits from Sharjah free zones?

A: There are no restrictions on the repatriation of profits from Sharjah Free Zones. Investors can repatriate their profits without any hassle, subject to the relevant laws and regulations.