3 Quick Ways to Lower Your Bad Cholesterol

Keeping a high level of cholesterol in your blood can build up fatty deposits in your veins. This can block your arteries and blood vessels, raising the risk of sudden heart attacks and strokes. For adults, the cholesterol level should be a maximum of 200 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter). A very unhealthy level would be above 230. You can avoid getting there by resorting to Simvastatin uses , or by following these steps:

Diversify Your Diet

When financial experts give advice for money investments, they always advise against putting all your eggs in one basket. Instead, they recommend investing in a portfolio of diverse investments to achieve a balanced line of profits. The same applies to lowering cholesterol. You need a “dietary portfolio” of different foods (not just one) that lower cholesterol, blood pressure and lowers LDL, triglycerides. An example of such a diet is one that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, plant-based protein, fishes, fat-free milk, whole almonds, oats, eggplant, whole grains (instead of highly refined ones), among others. In fact, a study has shown that eating high fiber from whole grains can reduce mortality by 15 percent over 17 years.

Make Exercising a Habit

When we say exercise, this doesn’t mean you have to run a marathon. All it takes is a few minutes of jogging every day. It not only boosts your physical well-being, it also boosts your mood, bringing you a feeling of refreshment and alertness that would make it enjoyable to repeat that exercise day after day. Exercise for half an hour, five days a week and you will gradually see your bad cholesterol levels declining.

Stay Away: Stress and Smoke

Research has proven time and again that chronic stress can be a major cause for increasing bad cholesterol and lowering good cholesterol. Whether it was your work, relationships or the hustle and bustle of your city life, try limiting that stress by giving yourself a break, some “me time”  whereby you relax, unwind and calm your mood down. At the same time, if you’re a smoker, note that quitting smoking can raise your good cholesterol, which in turn helps eliminate your bad cholesterol from your heart arteries. While it may be challenging to quit a smoking habit after years of practicing it, you can start by decreasing the number of cigarettes you smoke everyday gradually all the way until zero.

Simple habits that you can start immediately and benefit you a lifetime.