Four Innovative Technologies that will Help you Drive Better

Four Innovative Technologies that will Help you Drive Better

The automobile business has been seen to have flourished with the passage of time. Unlike old times, everyone wants to prefer traveling in his personal car. Due to this increasing trend of buying and driving vehicles, car technologies are improving by the automobile industry. Not only modern vehicles are better in execution and appearance, but also are more intelligent due to technological innovations.

With technological innovations, the means of handling and driving vehicles have also improved. Presently, you can enjoy smooth driving with the assistance of built-in technological developments. Have you ever thought about car technologies for making your driving smooth? Well! There are various such innovative assistive technologies to help you in driving.

Top 4 Innovative Technologies in the car for better Driving:

Here are the 4 topmost car technologies for better driving. You can experience these latest car features and technologies in tech-savvy countries like Dubai. Just opt-in for any professional Car Rental Dubai company and hire your dream car to have a test drive.

Self-driving cars

To overcome the increasing ratio of accidents, the automobile industry is manufacturing self-driving cars. You might be thinking about self-driving cars as a far-fetched and futuristic technology. But you will be amazed to know such innovative cars are being manufactured. And you will be able to enjoy traveling in these cars. If you don’t know how to drive efficiently, you will still be able to move in your autonomous car.

Such cars will eliminate the need for drivers and chauffeurs. No need to worry by thinking about the safety features of this vehicle. In fact, autonomous motors are more safe and secure than others. If you want to have such technology in your car, you can get some features for your assistance. For instance, having auto-breaks will automatically stop your car to avoid collisions and accidents.

Inter-Car Communication

Teenagers often look for ways to communicate with their friends while racing and competing with them. If you are looking for such a tool, you will be delighted to know that inter-car communication is possible nowadays. Almost every vehicle is connected through the internet to assist you in navigation. Having an internet-connected vehicle will enable you to communicate with one another.


We often overlook or try to cross the car coming near us which results in car collisions. This inter-car communication system will help your cars to stay on track. Whenever your car will be near to collide with any other, you will get an alert sign due to this inter-communication technology. So, inter-car communication technology protects you from accidents by foreseeing collisions.

Smartphone Integrated Technology

The most attractive innovation in-car technologies are the full integration technology of smartphones with automobiles. Do you have an idea what amazing things you can do with this technology? If not, you are going to be very excited. Because this technology enables you to control and monitor your car even without touching it. Yes! It’s possible to even with smartwatches.

This technology has proved to be very beneficial for parents. Now you can monitor the speed and route of your car upon which your teen is driving. Whenever your teen will try to cross the limits, you will get an alert sign. Moreover, you will be able to lock your vehicle, start your engine, and unlock the door by touching your integrated smart gadgets.

3D Gesture Technology

3D gesture technology is a novel innovation for controlling your car with a slight wave of your hand. This technology will enable you to control many features of your car just with signaling. This futuristic technology seems like a magical one to make your driving smooth, safer, and easier. There is no need to jab on the buttons for turning on radios and conditioners.

Besides this, you don’t need to pick up your phone to attend an incoming call. You can use the infotainment technology with this modern technology to attend to your incoming calls as well by signaling on the infotainment screen. No doubt these technologies will take some time to be built up in your cars, but we are sure that the accident rate will be low in the future. These technologies will make driving safe and roads free from accidents.

So, whenever you think about buying or renting a car, you should look upon these innovative car technologies. Such installed innovations will enable you to enjoy a smooth drive without any stress.

In case you are in Dubai and looking for the best car rental company, we recommend you to choose RentalcarsUAE. The reasons are simple as they are the most professional car rentals and offer the most reasonable prices to their clients. You have the choice to cheap rent a car dubai online before your trip and they will deliver it right on time without extra charges.