5 Online Reputation Management Trends to Follow in 2021

5 Online Reputation Management Trends to Follow in 2021

With a heavily digitized setup, brand reputation is one key factor that greatly affects shoppers’ buying behavior. Customers have become more meticulous when trying new brands. Now, business owners must exert additional effort in maintaining a reputable brand more than they ever did before. At present, there are several effective online reputation management strategies that help different businesses excel in their chosen niche.

A notable “evergreen” trend involves employing a content moderation system that can be achieved by hiring skilled in-house moderators to handle large volumes of user-generated content. Another trend is collaborating with tech companies like New Media Services that provide efficient content moderation services.

As of this writing, the first quarter of 2021 is almost over. However, it is not yet too late to adopt newer ways to efficiently manage your online reputation. Remember, the consumers’ demands and expectations change every now and then. The best way to keep up with the dynamic perceptions of consumers both online and offline is to embrace these up-and-coming top trends for online reputation management in 2021.

1. Utilize Social Media

Although not a new trend in the current marketing industry, some businesses think that they are already using the full potential of social media in building their online reputation. Little do they know that they are only tapping a small fraction of it.

Social media is not just a viable tool in reaching a wider group of prospective demographics. It also possesses a vast range of features that enables businesses to improve their online reputation management. The level of engagement on social media channels is so rich that it allows you to assess different concerns in different scenarios through reactive and proactive participation.

Businesses that are actively participating in different social media discussions are more likely to boost their brand credibility up to three times more than the usual level of trust they get from existing customers. 

Moreover, bridging the gap between your business and the customers by posting relevant, compelling, and well-curated content does not only generate more leads and sales but also helps in building a more conversational atmosphere, where customers can openly share their thoughts and feedback about the products and services offered by your company. Consequently, it increases the likelihood of gaining loyal customers.

2. Turn Customers Into Brand Ambassadors

The internet is a space brimmed with dynamic standpoints. Use this advantage to leverage your brand credibility. Consistently providing a compassionate and empathetic approach to customers is an excellent starting move if you want to change how people perceive your brand’s image.

Addressing complaints and responding to queries with immediacy and a genuine attitude helps strengthen the affinity of customers towards your brand. Equipped with the power of word-of-mouth, the people you call customers can be your very brand ambassadors to promote your business. Whether it is through an impactful video testimonial, written feedback, or a mere comment on your Facebook page, what they say can do wonders for your brand reputation.

3. Implement a Content Moderation System

The fight against harmful user-generated content caused by virtual trolls is not over yet. The truth is, it is getting even intense every year as these individuals are consistently coming up with newer and smarter ways to wreak havoc on your online reputation.

Employing a content moderation system should be on top of your list. As mentioned in the introduction, content moderation is one of the evergreen online reputation management trends that is still evolving to greater heights to keep up with the unpredictable schemes of internet trolls.

The more followers you have, the more user-generated content you need to handle. Manually monitoring and moderating your followers’ comments and posts on your website and social media channels can be very intimidating. But with an efficient team of skilled moderators ready to handle the surge of incoming posts, you are ensuring that your online reputation is protected against damaging content.

4. Upgrade to Omni-Channel Reputation Management

With the Millennials gradually taking over the retail sphere, it is just practical to devise brand new ways to adhere to this generation’s sophisticated preferences. Remember, the age of new consumers is getting more and more painstakingly attentive to details. Before they give their trust to your brand, they tend to scour every review site, your website, social media profiles, and all other places on the internet to see if your brand is worth investing in.

All thanks to the internet, omnichannel marketing can easily be incorporated into your existing online business reputation management strategies. Omnichannel marketing allows you to maximize all your marketing channels to provide a diversified approach in consistently providing a  fully-integrated shopping experience for all your customers. Engaging with customers using different channels leaves your business under a positive shadow and improves your brand reputation as a whole.

5. Dawn of the Artificial Intelligence

Businesses using advanced marketing strategies in conjunction with artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly popular across all industries. AI is a powerful tool to enhance and modify customer experience. It has been highly instrumental in gathering information and customer insights that can be utilized in effectively engaging with customers through different touchpoints. Furthermore, integrating AI with your existing marketing efforts in tracking consumers’ buying patterns allows you to anticipate and meet consumers’ needs and demands with utmost precision through the use of target-focused content.

Are You Ready for 2021?

2021 is the defining year for you to embrace innovation. The aforementioned trends in online reputation management will serve as your preliminary portal into a more diverse space of more efficient ways in maintaining your online reputation. Indeed, the future is unpredictable and pitfalls may emerge when companies least expect them. But, with the right knowledge of these trends, you’re not only unraveling the wonders of innovation. Rather, you are also gearing yourself to adapt in a brand new setup with more revolutionary ways to build an empire of loyal clients.