3 Crypto Dips To Buy: Fantom, Tezos and HUH Token

3 Crypto Dips To Buy: Fantom, Tezos and HUH Token

Fantom, Tezos and HUH Token are three cryptocurrencies experiencing a dip in market price recently. While they all vary in the amount of time they have been experiencing a reduction in market value, the tokens themselves have experienced higher market prices in recent weeks.

Fantom, Tezos and HUH Token are unique tokens with a lot of potential moving forward into 2022. Cryptocurrency attention seems likely to increase throughout the year and could increase winning currencies to new heights. These are some suggestions of cryptocurrencies with a promising year ahead of them.

Fantom is one of the networks that many have predicted will have an excellent year as an alternative layer one blockchain. After an upwards trend in the previous month, Fantom seems to have taken a slight dip downwards and could provide an excellent opportunity to pick up its native currency, FTM.

Fantom offers a scalable, innovative and quick system for DApps and DeFi projects. It has begun establishing itself as a more extensive network and could be an opportunity for those to join as the new year begins.

Tezos followed a similar trend to that of Fantom. Its native token XTZ had a positive few weeks. However, it has begun to drop in market price once more in recent days. Tezos has continued to release information such as partnerships and these could increase the value as they pair with more companies as the year continues. Tezos’s most recent collaboration was with an Esports team called Vitality.

Tezos has a unique concept. It has developed a self-amending blockchain. This is an interesting concept that was unknown at the time of creation. Since then, it has been more commonly known as blockchain governance and is applied by different cryptocurrencies. Once the community have decided which changes will be implemented, the software automatically updates and removes all possible corruption from outside sources.

After launching, HUH Token saw a vast 4500% increase in market value. This was before the token was listed on various listings and traded on exchanges other than PancakeSwap. The token has since seen a decrease in price and could present a good opportunity to purchase before their larger project is launched.

HUH Token was developed to be the native token for a social media platform called MetHUH. Within HUH Token’s whitepaper, there are some details for what the platform will provide. It will reward users and social influencers for using the platform, allowing them to monetise their own content and data.

This concept could become very popular due to the increasing dependence on social media platforms in the centralised world. A decentralised alternative has the potential to be adopted.

Fantom, Tezos and HUH Token are good examples of projects that have the potential to increase in market value as the year goes on. It is easy to look at Shiba Inu and hope for profits like that to appear again. However, those profits were only possible by joining projects at a low price and then selling when they become prevalent.


Learn More About HUH Token Here:

Website: https://huh.social

HUH Official Swap: https://swap.huh.social/

Telegram: https://t.me/HUHTOKEN

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HuhToken

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/huhToken