What is an Infinity Pad? How to participate in Infinity Pad?

What is an Infinity Pad? How to participate in Infinity Pad?

Many new investors who have recently joined the cryptocurrency sometimes face many restrictions towards their crypto business, let it be to have cross-chain transfers, to gather funds for their start-up projects, and to get quick loans.

So, to solve these problems, Crypto launch pads were created that not only help to integrate all sizes of businesses but apart from it.

It helped to have a higher turnout and returns from the project; they are also used as the medium of raising funds and collaborating with other crypto projects by becoming their token holders. Check some of the top class benefits of blockchain technology .

Infinity Pad is also one of the popular Crypto launchpads that are being used to launch new projects and generate funds for them.

What is an Infinity Pad?

Infinity Launchpad is a new launchpad that runs on the Binance smart chain. It is created to provide pre token sales before the launch of new projects; it raises the token for the selective crypto projects that are built on blockchain technology.

It has not only brought a revolution for the early-stage projects but it has also been designed to help the novice crypto business enthusiast and investors to reach every area of their business with proper mediums and a greater transparency level.

It was launched in 2021 in July, the popularity of the platform increased when it was able to raise 3000 unique token holders under its ecosystem, it includes the tier-system to qualify its whitelisting policy among the investors.

How does the Infinity Pad work?

Infinity Pad allows its users to have the early-stage ignition that is built using various blockchains, these projects are selected by the Infinity business team and they require a process to facilitate the procedures like Completing the KYC, creating an account and staking IPAD to get participate in the SHO.

Now after completing this process they can clear the whitelisting criteria and then they have to secure the limited allocation slots which are based on a five tiers system through the IPAD staking amount.

If you have staked a higher level of tiers then it must be the golden chance to win earlier, also you can get a higher tier by staking IPAD-BUSD LP tokens.

The token is either fully unlocked or is subjected to some kind of scheduled locking; the users which have participated through the DAO maker’s platform are also eligible to log in to this platform with the same login credentials.

What are the features of the Infinity pad?

Infinity Pad is used to distinguish itself based on a wide range of facilities that have been provided to its users like using the same credentials, having an opportunity to win and becoming eligible for participating in the event.

  • Allocation solution

Infinity Pad uses a lottery system to qualify its token holders of each tier to get participated in its token sale program; it gives a chance to win a large stake in their bided project.

  • Influencer Backing

We know that in today’s price volatile market, it is important to back up your digital assets, which not only ensures reliability but a future saving from any potential risk, therefore Infinity Pad has backed the DAO maker.


For linking yourself to the Infinity Pad model, simply visit their website and fill in your trading details, make your crypto exchange account and select to transfer the native token to get the Infinity Pad’s native token AXS, because it not only helps to give you a right as a token holder.

But it also will help you to vote in the development of the project or any launch of new projects or fundraising events.