7 Ways to Achieve a Greener Home in 2022

In our increasingly carbon-conscious world, there’s never been a better time to go green. And we’re not just talking about recycling and turning down the plastic bags – although this is super important! We’re taking it up a notch and helping you make your living space as sustainable as possible.

With the help of technology, it’s now easier than ever to create smarter habits that not only makes you feel good, but also has a lasting impact on Planet Earth.

Let’s dive into the 7 different ways you can take care of the planet from the comfort of your home…

1.     Improve Insulation

Uninsulated or poorly insulated homes lose over a third of their heat through walls. So, by upgrading your home insulation, you can save a fortune on gas and electricity bills as well as creating an eco-friendlier space.

When people think about investing into solid insulation, the price tag often puts them off. We get it – it may not be the cheapest way to go green but, with the amount of money you save on energy costs – it’s certainly the most cost effective in the long run.

A good place to start would be the roof and walls of your house. You can also look to insulate the windows with double glazing as a quicker way to warm up the house in the winter months.

2.     Shower Smart

There’s no doubt that showering uses a lot less water than bathing, but if you’re running the tap for over 30 minutes – you can be causing the same damage.

Here’s how you can shower smart:

  • Install a low-flow shower head – this saves a ton of water while still releasing a decent amount of water
  • Reduce shower time – 10 minutes is enough time to do the necessary!

3.     Upgrade Your Boiler

The latest ‘condensing’ boilers are built to be a lot more energy efficient than older counterparts and use less gas the same amount of water.

To reduce your carbon footprint, it’s important to consider a boiler upgrade if it’s over 10 years old.

However, boilers are only as good as the installer who fits it in, so make sure to use someone who is skilled in setting up condensing boilers. You can browse trained and trusted boiler installers here.

4.     Consider an Electric Car

This is certainly a bigger investment when it comes to sustainable living but it’s one of the most significant ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

Why are electric cars kinder to planet Earth? Well, they’re far more energy efficient which means you can get from A to B without CO2 emissions being released into our valuable air.

With an electric car, you can install an EV charging point at home so it can fuel up just by being parked outside your property and you can be raring to go at any time.

Dedicated home charging points are faster, compact weatherproof, and easy to connect to any external area.  Click here to get a quote from qualified installers.

5.     Switch Out Your Current Lighting!

The myth that energy-efficient lightbulbs don’t shine as bright as regular bulbs is certainly just that – a myth!  Switching to energy-saving lightbulbs helps you use 80% less energy than your current ones.

Not only does efficient lighting help you lower your CO2 emissions, but it also helps you save a huge amount on our electricity bills.

We’d also recommend installing movement sensors to save energy when a room isn’t in use and repositioning the light switches to more convenient areas.

Make sure to hire qualified electricians to get the job done safely and ensure light quality.

6.     Avoid Peak Times When Washing

This eco-friendly home hack requires no cost, just a bit of knowledge!

Peak hours of the day will vary depending on your area but, as a rule of thumb, it’s better to run your dishwasher and washing machine in the night when most people have turned off lights.

Saying this, avoid running them overnight while you’re asleep for fire safety reasons.

Peak times are often in the afternoon, especially during the summer months. By steering clear of these times, the less it will cost you to run these appliances.

7.     Installing Solar Panels

We know what you’re thinking – this feels like a big job! But the return on investment is even bigger for you and for the future of the planet.

Solar panels are the key to a self-sufficient home and will help decrease your energy bills significantly.

This renovation also works wonders for property value. Buyers are leaning more towards eco-friendly spaces and greener purchases in general, so if you want more eyes on your home – solar panels are the way to go!

Want to get an estimation for your home? Use this Energy Saving Trust’s calculator to get started.

If you’re on the hunt for more ideas, check out the 12 extra ways to achieve an eco-friendly home. Whether it’s upgrading your boiler, fitting efficient lighting or insulating the home, it’s now easier than ever to find quality tradespeople to get the job done for you! No hassle, no stress, just a to-do list ticked off.