How to Live more Sustainably

How to Live more Sustainably

Sustainability is something that just about everyone is concerned about. It’s a good thing to want to preserve the natural world, or at least to minimise our impact on it. Among the most important component of a sustainable lifestlye is a concern for the amount of carbon we each are releasing into the atmosphere as a result of our decisions as consumers.

It might be that it takes change at the level of big business and government to deal with the big environmental challenges of today. But that doesn’t mean that we as individuals can’t do anything. Let’s examine a few common strategies, through which individuals might reduce their impact on the natural world.

Switch to public transport

Some methods of getting from one place to another are inherently more polluting than others. Trains and buses, per passenger, tend to be less polluting than cars. Walking and cycling are, obviously, greener still – and they come with the added benefit that they’re better for your health, too. If you set up a carpooling scheme at work, then you might cut your emissions substantially. You might even hand in your usual insurance in favour of temporary car insurance, which can be called upon on the rare occasions that you’re driving.

Eat less meet

Vegetarian, vegan and flexitarian diets are all less carbon-intensive than the standard western diet, which tends to put huge emphasis on meat and dairy. Bear in mind that, even if you’re eating vegetables shipped from the other side of the planet, you’re going to end up creating fewer carbon emissions than you would eating locally-grown meat, thanks to the enormous fuel-efficiency of an international transport ship.

Watch your water consumption

If you’re able to take measures to use less water, then you should. Installing low-flow showerheads and toilet cisterns is a good place to start. This can be done for very little, and it will save you money over the long-term.

Shop little and often

By shopping in smaller trips, you’ll be able to get fresher food that’s nearer the front of the shelf. This means less overall wastage, and more vegetables. It’ll also mean that you can enjoy better quality ingredients, and spend less money running your fridge.

Buy locally when possible

If you can shop for goods that have been manufactured within driving distance of your house, then you’ll hugely reduce the overall transport required to get those goods to your front door. This will in turn hugely reduce the level of emissions for which you’re ultimately responsible.

Swap single-use items

Reusable cups, bottles and other items will reduce the amount of plastic waste you’re creating whenever you go to pick up a cup of coffee or a snack. If you’re doing this frequently at lunchtime, you might find that a modest one-off investment can substantially reduce your expenditure in the long-term.