Leveraging Flexitank Technology to Enhance Food and Beverage Supply Chains

Leveraging Flexitank Technology to Enhance Food and Beverage Supply Chains

Transporting liquid goods within the food industry poses numerous challenges. Issues such as cross-contamination, tank cleanliness, and the need for cost-effective and efficient transportation are paramount concerns. Enter KriCon Group BV, specializing in liquid bulk cargo transportation using ISO tanks/tank container, boasting a global network of offices and agencies.

Traditional tankers present cleaning and halal/kosher verification challenges. Enter KriCon Group BV, offering alternatives like Flexitank and IBCs, providing flexible and sustainable solutions.

Certain liquid food shipments, such as wine, edible oils, juices, and food chemicals, are highly susceptible to contamination, risking taste degradation or even complete batch ruin. Flexitanks, however, preserve flavors and integrity, ensuring goods arrive intact.

Flexitanks, innovative multi-layer polypropylene bags, facilitate shipping within 20-foot dry containers, with capacities ranging from 14,000 to 24,000 liters. Ideal for one-way liquid food product shipping, their sterile nature makes them perfect for halal and kosher foods, wines, and alcohol.

Considerations arise when shipping with Flexitanks, especially for larger liquid cargoes requiring additional adjustments for stable transportation. Tank containers, with their robust construction and supports, are preferred for larger shipments, customizable for size or stability by KriCon Group.

Flexitanks necessitate maintenance by certified personnel at KriCon-certified fitting depots, ensuring top-notch quality and customer service.

Equipped with state-of-the-art accessories and capable of global shipping without repositioning issues, Flexitanks offer businesses a hassle-free container logistics solution, bypassing costly repositioning expenses and folding down to about 60kg.

Moreover, polypropylene, the material of Flexitanks, is recyclable, offering a zero-waste shipping solution alongside its suitability for liquid foodstuffs.

In conclusion, Flexitanks emerge as the ultimate choice for liquid shipping in the food and beverage industry, addressing concerns of cross-contamination, repositioning, and halal/kosher compliance, while providing a sustainable and efficient solution.