The Dangerous Rise of Social Media Self-Diagnosis

The rise of social media platforms like TikTok has drastically increased the amount of people self-diagnosing themselves with ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The disorder is characterised by symptoms such as inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity and requires a formal diagnosis through testing by a medical professional.

In this article, we will discuss the dangers of self-diagnosing ADHD from social media apps like TikTok, and highlight the importance of getting a professional diagnosis.

TikTok Makes Young People Think Self-Diagnosis is Okay

TikTok shows short videos about ADHD to millions of young people a day. These videos often portray inaccurate information about the disorder, which young people believe because of how often they see this information. There are also advocates of self-diagnosis on TikTok who spread the message that self-diagnosis is okay and accurate. This is not the case!

Why You Shouldn’t Self-Diagnose

Self-diagnosing leads to many dangerous outcomes:

  • Inappropriate treatments that can cause further health problems
  • Self-medication, which is dangerous and illegal
  • An inaccurate diagnosis
  • Misinformation about ADHD

Avoiding these outcomes is why a professional diagnosis is so important. Also, a professional diagnosis opens the doors to a multitude of helpful opportunities, such as:

  • Ruling out other disorders
  • An accurate diagnosis
  • A personalised treatment plan that includes therapy, lifestyle changes, and medication
  • Constant, ongoing support
  • Safe, monitored access to medication
  • A better understanding of yourself

These resources are crucial for someone with ADHD and can positively change their life. Self-diagnosis does not allow for these opportunities, and instead sets the individual on a dangerous path of dealing with a disorder based on misinformation and the opinions on social media rather than the advice of a psychiatrist.

The First Step: Understanding Your Symptoms

The first step of addressing ADHD is understanding the symptoms that come with it. Once you have a professional diagnosis, you will be able to sit down with a licensed therapist or psychiatrist who will be able to tell you more about your symptoms, where they may originate from, and how to alleviate their negative consequences.

It’s difficult to understand your own symptoms, especially if you are not knowledgeable about ADHD. It is even harder to know how to manage those symptoms. Social media can provide a community of support and tips to try for an individual with ADHD, but the first source of guidance should always come from a professional who knows you personally and is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, no matter what they are.

Get an Assessment with The ADHD Centre

The ADHD Centre is ready to provide you with fast, simple, and convenient ADHD testing. You choose whether your test is online or face-to-face, and once you have a diagnosis, we will work with you to find the best treatment options for you. We are dedicated to the effective treatment of your ADHD symptoms so that you can feel empowered and ready to tackle your goals.

Getting an Assessment for Your Child

The earlier a child is diagnosed with ADHD, the sooner treatment can start. The ADHD Centre provides child assessments by highly experienced and dedicated ADHD specialist psychiatrists. Our therapists can then help you and your child learn about your child’s symptoms, as well as how to effectively manage them.


Self-diagnosing with ADHD leads to dangerous and harmful consequences. Content surrounding ADHD is incredibly prevalent on social media apps like TikTok, and spreads misinformation about ADHD.

If you think you may have ADHD, don’t wait to contact a professional and set up testing for a formal diagnosis. The sooner you are diagnosed, the sooner you can start to enjoy the positive changes that treatment can bring to your life!